Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year's Resolutions Anyone?

If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.
Philippians 2:1-2

Happy New Year!

Have you made any New Year's Resolutions yet? Maybe you're like my husband. He resolved some time ago to never make any New Year's Resolutions. He's been successful so far!

As for me, I have several small goals. There are a lot of little things I hope to accomplish through God's grace this year. I can't say that I've sat down and listed actual resolutions though.

However, after reading the above passage from Philippians, I wonder if you would join with me to make a joint resolution as servant leaders in Preschool and Children's Ministries. I am inviting you to resolve to be like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. What better way do we have to bless the Lord and the children we serve than walking in unity and love?

If you have time, take out your Bible (or go to and read the rest of the verses in Philippians chapter 2. These verses go on to tell us how we can be one in spirit and purpose by having the attitude of Christ Jesus. There is a lot of meat in these verses, and I plan to take some time during 2008 to share some insights with you that God has given me from this passage.

So what do you think? Will join with me in this New Year's Resolution?

Grace and Peace,

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy New Year with Thanksgiving!

I thank my God every time I remember you. Philippians 1:3

I'm sorry that it has been so long between postings! I had some unforeseen circumstances that caused me to stay away for too long.........

Please know that I as I am writing this, I am thanking God for each one of you. You are the reason that parents can go to church on Sunday mornings feeling confident their children are being well cared for. You are the reason parents trust us with their children Sunday after Sunday and Wednesday after Wednesday to teach them spiritual truths! You are the reason children feel safe and secure at church. You are also the reason I don't have to be everywhere at once. It is because of your sacrificial service that I am able to do my job.

As we look toward saying good-bye to 2007 and welcoming 2008, I thank the Lord for your service to Him and ask Him to bless your efforts in 2008.

Here is my prayer for you:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please draw Your dear child into an even deeper walk with You. Show Your child just a measure of how high, wide, long and deep Your love is. Grant Your child wisdom and discernment to hear Your voice clearly. Grant Your child strength and courage to follow You wherever You lead. May Your child walk in Your grace and peace each day. Protect Your child from the evil one and all of his schemes. Bring to remembrance Your mighty works and awesome power. Bring about a repentant heart and sensitive spirit. May Your child know more of You and Your ways in 2008.

In the Precious and Mighty name of Jesus, Amen!
Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

For Unto You A Child Is Born

For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

Christmas time is here! I really felt it tonight as my family enjoyed "Walk Through Bethlehem" at Kings Avenue Baptist Church. Our Music Club Kids sang tonight, and by the way, they did an excellent job! We are so blessed to have wonderful volunteers like Anne Alford who led the kids and arranged this opportunity! Thank you Anne, Candy, Krystal, Annette and anyone else I missed who made tonight happen!

So, Christmas time is here! As we enter into this season, I wonder if the verse above is a reality in your life. Do you believe that Jesus was born for you? Are you allowing Jesus to be Lord in every area of your life? Do you turn to Him to be your Wonderful Counselor? Are you amazed by the strength and power of this Mighty God? No matter what your relationship is/was with your earthly father, do you see God as your Everlasting Father? Regardless of circumstances, is Jesus your Prince of Peace?

So many questions! I am asking you to take time this week to pray about just one of these questions. Ask the Lord if there is a work He wants to do in your life so that you can rejoice when you read that verse.

Let's focus together a moment on the first question. Do you believe that Jesus was born for you? What I'm asking is, do you understand your worth in the eyes of the Lord? Do you understand how deeply the Father in Heaven loves you? Why else would He send His Son to take on flesh, feel your pain, walk where you walk - yet remain sinless and pay the penalty for your sins? Why else would he willingly lay down His life for you? He loves you so dearly. Can you take time to feel that today? Will you pause for a moment and take in the fact that Jesus was born unto you?

Christmas can be so much sweeter when we understand that Jesus was truly sent here for each one of us. My prayer for you today is that you will catch just a glimpse of God's love for you. Enjoy the gift of His Son. Celebrate - For Unto You a Child is Born!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Congratuations Noelle!

Congratulations to Noelle and Sean Oakman! They are proud parents of a new baby boy, Luke Andrew, born on December 1, 2007. He was 9 lbs and 21 inches long, born at 9:52 am.

Noelle is one of our amazing Preschool Reserve Workers. She and Lisa Ward are a team who have been working in the Bunny Room. (18-24 month olds)

Please pray for this precious family including big sister, Grace.

Grace and Peace,

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Let's Welcome Our Lord, Jesus

Then he put a little child among them. Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, "Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes my Father who sent me."

Mark 9:36-37

Christmastime is just around the corner! It is easy for us to think of welcoming Jesus into our world. We imagine Him as a newborn baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and lying in a manger. We can see him so clearly in our mind's eye as a baby. Can we see Him in our babies and children?

Each one of you are so precious to me. You give of yourselves to serve our littlest ones at FishHawk Fellowship Church. Have you ever stopped to ponder the verses above? Each time you welcome a child on Jesus's behalf, you welcome Jesus and God the Father who sent Him!

How did Jesus welcome the children? Look at verse 36. He took the child in His arms. That gives me a picture of love, security, and acceptance. Can you imagine physically being in the arms of Jesus? Sometimes we have moments when the presence of God seems so tangible, but to feel His embrace? To have the nail-pierced hands touching the back of this broken vessel - it brings tears to my eyes to even imagine. Do we show the children that kind of sacrificial love?

When I picture Jesus taking that child in His arms, I picture a place of perfect security. Who could harm that child when she was being held by Jesus? As parents, who better to hold our children than the Savior of the world? Do the babies and children of FishHawk Fellowship Church feel safe and secure in our presence?

Picturing that embrace once more reminds me of the feeling of complete acceptance. There could be no question in the mind of that child as to whether or not she was acceptable to Jesus. His warm embrace edged out any doubts. I imagine at that moment she knew she could say anything to Jesus. He loved her and accepted her. Do our children know they are acceptable to us? Are we making them clean up and give all the right answers, or are we inviting them to come as they are, trusting the Holy Spirit to do the cleansing work in their lives?

I ask myself these questions as I ask them of you. We have the incredible privilege of welcoming God the Father and God the Son in our midst each time we welcome the children on behalf of Jesus. Can you think of a more amazing way to serve the Lord and those in our church?

This Christmas season, let's strive to meet the Savior each time we serve our children. Let's commit to love, protect, and accept these littlest ones who were and are so precious to the Lord. May we also thank the Lord for allowing us to welcome Him.

Grace and Peace to you all!